Mrs. Burkhart's
Class Website
About My Instruction
Types of Instruction
This classroom utilizes multiple types of instruction in order to better meet the diverse needs of all learners. The types of instruction in my classroom include: whole group, teacher-led small group, group and partner activities, individual activities, computer and iPad based learning. Most classes are structured with a rotation through two or more of the described types of instruction.
Direct Instruction
Whole class activities are often used to introduce a topic or unit. This instruction it designed to engage students through the use of ActivInspire flipcharts, whole group activities, and whole brain teaching (power teaching). These types of whole group/direct instruction are research-based and allow the children to interact with the learning material. Rarely will students expericene lecture style instruction in my class.
Teacher-Led Small Groups
These groups can be either homogeneously or heterogeneously grouped by skill-level. This instruction allows me to focus specifically on the skills that a small sub-set of the class struggle with while the rest of the class work on other activities. During small group instruction the students are working with hands-on manipulatives and engaging instructional activities. There are typically 4-6 students in each teacher-led small group.
Group and Partner Activities
When not in the teacher-led small group, students are often participating in group and partner activities. These activities often involve math games, projects, or science experiments. Students are able to practice material and develop fluency with many concepts while having fun and working cooperatively.
Individual Centers
The goal of the independent center is to assess students level of comprehension. It is also to allow them to demonstrate their ability to use higher order thinking skills to compare topics or connect topics to real-world experiences. Journaling will also help to build meta-cognition skills that allow students to understand their thought processes related to specific subject area concepts. Outside of journal writing, students are asked to compose other writings related to journal topics. Students may also be participating in a series of individual centers which address multiple levels of Bloom's Taxonomy or creating individual projects. Students may occasionally be required to complete worksheets during individual activities.
Teaching with Technology
The use of technology in the classroom is valuable tool. Today's students speak a different language, and most of the time that language involves some form of technology. Technology, when used correctly is an amazing way to engage students in their learning. In addition, it gives our students the knowledge and experience that will undeniably help them in their future careers.