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Fraction and Decimal Conversions (Games)
  1. Fruit Shoot 

    Practice converting fractions and decimals.

  2. Puppy Chase

    Practice converting decimals to fractions with this multi-player game.

  3. Math Playground

    Practice converting decimals to fractions with this multi-player game.

  4. Death to Decimals and Fractions Game

    Convert fractions and decimals.

  5. Quia

    Practice converting with flashcards, matching, or concentration.


Comparing and Ordering Fractions, Decimals, and Mixed Numbers 
  1. Adapted Mind Game

    Practice comparing fractions, decimals, and percents.  Video instructional support is available if you need it.


Fraction, Decimal, and Percents on the Number Line
  1. Number Line Practice

    Practice placing fractions, decimals, and percents on the number line.

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