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October 5-9

Zoom Schedules

Zoom links will be posted in our "Zoom Links & Message Board" class in Google Classroom 

Meetings start promptly at their scheduled time and not before, please wait in the waiting room.

Small Group 



Whole Class

Whole Class Zoom

M, W, F 8:30-9:00


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ELA (Complete Assignments in Order)

  1. Subject and Predicate, and Simple Sentences Notebook: Take out the Subject and Predicate page from your second set of notebook pages.  Cut the page in half, and glue the Subject and Predicate half into your notebook.  The Simple sentence half needs to be cut on the dotted lines.  Put glue on the left side so that you are able to write under the flaps. Add color. Read and follow the directions on each flap to complete the notebook page. Take a picture of the completed page and upload it to the assignment in Google Classroom.


  2. Brain Pop (Subject and Predicate): Log onto Clever, and select Brain Pop. Once on BrainPop complete the assigned video, quiz, and vocabulary assignments.

  3. Subject and Predicate on Log onto and complete the assigned video, and quiz.

  4. Complete and Simple Subject and Predicates Google Form: Complete the Google Form on Google Classroom/ELA. You may use online resources or ask for help as needed.

  5. Sign of the Beaver Book Review Slides 1-7: Complete the Sign of the Beaver Book Review on Google Classroom focusing on Slides 6-7. Make sure your answers are detailed and complete sentences.

  6. Spelling City Activities: Complete the Spelling City activities in the order they are listed. Please do not use your spelling words when you are on Spelling City.  Activities need to be done by 3:30 on Friday. Please remember, you DO NOT log into spelling city with your Google Account.  Username are your first and last name with no spaces & no capital letters.  Passwords are your 4-digit lunch numbers, no zeros at the end.

  7. Spelling City Test: Complete the Spelling Test on Spelling City. This test needs to be done by 3:30 on Friday.


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Modified List


MATH (Complete Assignments in Order)

  1. MobyMax Fact Fluency: Through Clever, log into Moby Max and select Fact Fluency. You need to do 30 minutes of fact fluency every day this week. 

  2. Multiply by 6 on Boom Cards: Log onto Boom Cards and complete the assigned deck called “Learning the Multiplication Table of 6 x (0-12).”

  3. Multiply by 7 on Boom Cards: Log onto Boom Cards and complete the assigned deck called “Multiples of 7 Multiplication Facts.”

  4. Multiply by 8 on Boom Cards: Log onto Boom Cards and complete the assigned deck called “Rocket 8 Multiplication.”

  5. Multiply by 9 on Boom Cards: Log onto Boom Cards and complete the assigned deck called “Multiplication Facts 9 Times Tables.”

SCIENCE (Complete Assignments in Order)

  1. Phase Changes of Matter Notebook: Take out the 2 pages titled Phase Changes of Matter.  Cut them to fit into the notebook, and glue them in.  Then follow the directions on the page to fill in the missing information.  Use the pictures to help you if you get stuck. Add color. Take a picture of the completed page and upload it to the assignment in Google Classroom.


  2. Study.Com Changes of State: Log onto our class’s Watch the changes of state video and then take the quiz on

  3. Changes of State on Quizlet:
    1st:  First, click on the link, then follow these steps to create an account. Most have already created an account, so you do not have to follow the steps below because you have already done it. If this is the case, your login information should be saved.
    2nd:  Click Sign-up
    3rd: Click continue with Google
    4th: Enter your birthday
    5th: Enter your username - This should be the first letter of your first name, your whole last name, and your 4 digit number. (Example hburkhart1234)
    6th: Enter your parents email address
    7th: This will add you as a member of Mrs. Burkhart's Class BEFORE beginning your flashcards.
    8th: Then, go to Google Classroom/Science and click on the Quizlet link for the Changes of State set. 
    9th: Study the flashcards, then choose one activity to help you learn the terms (Match, Gravity, or Live).
    10th: Then, after you have studied the flashcards and completed an activity you need to take the test.

  4. Changes of State Demonstration Project: Click on the Google Doc and record the information required based on what you chose to do for your demonstration. You should have already joined Study.Com last week. Your project should be a different demonstration from what you have done in previous weeks.


HISTORY (Complete Assignments in Order)

  1. CA Wonders Reading: A Varied Land: Pull out the thin book titled Wonders (It has a dolphin on the front) and read pages 96-99 “A Varied Land”.  This will give you more information about Native Americans in North America.

  2. CA Wonders Writing Frame: Reread and review the information from pages 96-99 before starting the writing frame on page 100.  Use the information you learned to help you complete the writing frame attached to the assignment in Google Classroom.  I have typed the given information for you, your job is to complete the sentences using the information in the text.  Remember you may not write in the book.

  3. Native American Day Nearpod: First go to Nearpod, enter the code PRACF under where it says Students Join a Lesson. Click “join” after you have entered the code. Complete the activities to learn more about Native American day and the history of Native Americans.

  4. Native American Unit Test: Complete the Native American Unit Test on Google Forms.  You may use your notebook pages to help you with the questions.

  5. Native American Home Project: Finish your construction of a Native American home from one of the 4 regions we have studied.  Be sure to follow the directions and rubric to ensure your home meets the requirements. You will also need to type a paragraph that has beginning, middle and end. The paragraph should clearly explain the significance of the home for the region.

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